Teacher Expecations and Student-Teacher Interactions


Teacher Expectations and Student-Teacher Interactions

In reading a little this past week, I stumbled upon a reference to an article by Thomas L. Good on teacher expectations and treatment of students. It caught my attention and caused me to reflect.

Good found that when students are not achieving well, teachers tend to treat them differently. The research found that low-achieving students:

  • Are criticized more often for failure
  • Are raised less frequently
  • Receive less feedback
  • Are called on less often
  • Have less eye contact from the teacher
  • Have fewer friendly interactions with the teacher
  • Experiences acceptance of their ideas less often

I immediately reflected on my teaching. I’m willing to bet that subconsciously I minimized interactions with at least some of my disengaged students, which, in turn, only exasperated the problem. Conversely, I’m willing to bet that I was more engaged and interactive with high-flyers.

What are some ways you combat such behaviors? Knowing the power of teacher expectations, how do you ensure high expectations for all students?

Shout Outs

H/T to Caitlin Pitts, Denny Barberio, Kip Chatterson, Liz Vaughn, and the cast and crew of Little Women for not only persevering through limited rehearsals, changing venues, etc but for putting on a phenomenal show. Thanks as well to all the teachers who attended a performance.

Tasks and Information

Monday: Community Information Session (sharing about next year, virtual school) https://k12albemarle.zoom.us/j/99044610460?pwd=c1ZzWmV6bkczY0FtTjdGT0V3YWRKdz09

New End of Year Schedule and Clarifications Please familiarize yourself with these documents.


AP Testing Schedule


SOL Testing Information

Please check mailboxes for training materials and remember to attend training sessions on May 27 or 28. Proctoring assignments:



We have emailed and snail mailed an individual copy of each student's testing schedule for SOLs to them AND their parents, BUT just in case a student has a question here is a link to the spreadsheet that lists every student's testing location each day:


6/2 - all Science SOLs

6/3 - Reading SOL and all Math SOLs

6/4 - all Social Studies SOLs



https://bit.ly/WAHSannounce to request an announcement, publication in newsletter, etc

https://bit.ly/TWCStuRec TWC student recognition

http://bit.ly/MeetStudentWA  Meeting with student

bit.ly/WAlunch Lunch order


May 24: Madeleine Rushing


May 25: Steph Currence and Carolyn Evans

Worth Your Time

Tired of being shut out, Denver students call for a Student Bill of Rights


How America failed students with disabilities during the pandemic


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