8 Quick--and Fun--Checks for Understanding


8 Quick--and Fun--Checks for Understanding

  1. 3 Truths and 1 lie. Students create 3 (can also be 2) 3 truths about what they learned and one lie. Students can share them to quiz their classmates or enter in a shared document for review.
  2. Topic alphabet. Assign students letters of the alphabet (can assign all 26 to each student) or have students each do one letter or have them use the letters in their name or something else fun to review the subject.
  3. Confidence sort. Provide students with a series of words or phrases. Have them group or sort them by confidence level (likert scale). You can also use Google Forms and the Likert scale for this. It’s a great way for students to build their metacognitive skills especially if later paired with a discussion and a follow-up after an assessment.
  4. Formative flower. At the center of the flower is the topic. Students complete the flower with a each petal being a sub-topic.
  5. 4-2-1. Individually students choose 4 key points from the topic. They then partner up, share and then work to come up with the top 2. Finally, individually they choose one word or phrase and explain why that is the word they chose. This works best with a topic that may require an opinion, eg What made an event possible or a person great.
  6. Emoji Circle/choose/share the emoji that best describes how you feel about this topic and share why.
  7. Headlines or Tweets A quick written summary.
  8. Leader or Learner. Provide students with a chart (this can be a shared chart) with three columns. Column one contains that learning target/key words or terms, column 2 is marked LEADER and column 3 is marked LEARNER. Students then place an X or their name in their level of comfort for each item in column 1. Nearpod has an interactive means of doing this by dragging and clicking an object to an answer choice. This information then can be used to group students.  

Recapping and Answering Some Questions from Faculty Meeting

The recording and slideshow are available in Schoology.

End of semester information, possible testing calendar and checklist (page 3)

  • SIS is creating a means for teachers to see which students are in which groups. We expect this information to be available this week. There are 4 groups:
    • Parallel virtual=students who are 100% virtual (358 students)
    • Hybrid (788)
      • Group A (last names A-K) will attend Monday and Wednesdays
      • Groups B (last names L-Z) will attend Tuesdays and Thursdays
      • Group C students will be here all 4 days (we’re adjusting this group)
  • We are working on the logistics associated with the possible move to stage 4. These range from arrival to dismissal and from breaks to cleaning. Our plan is to share this information in different formats with faculty/staff, students, and families to possibly include “assemblies,” recordings, forums, town hall meetings, interactive websites, and hyperdocs.

Thank you for your continued professionalism and understanding. It is invigorating to see how you are finding new ways to teach and reach your students. The real test of one’s passion comes from when things are challenging. Our passions often manifest in different ways. It is clear to us, your students and your families that you are passionate!

Tasks/Important Information


Department Liaison Meeting Tuesday morning

Textbook Information Form by Tuesday please

Sign-up for your vaccine by Tuesday  http://bit.ly/formc19 

Stage 4 Planning Committees

https://bit.ly/WAHSannounce To request an announcement, calendar event, etc.


https://bit.ly/TWCStuRec Together We Care Student Recognition


January 21: Liz Hale

Worth Your Time

A call to action for white educators who seek to be anti-racist.

A lesson for schools from Delta Airlines...from Steve Constantino. How can we use these ideas for our students? Our families? What ideas do you have?

Intention setting in the classroom from Edutopia


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