Understanding my White Privilege: 10 Lessons Learned and A More Productive View of Assessment
Understanding my white privilege: 10 lessons learned I am a white male who explores racial issues from an intellectual perspective. For me understanding racism and whiteness is often something I examine for a period of time--when discussing anti-racism, for example--and then I move on. It is not central to my day-to-day life or my survival. My whiteness is often invisible. To grow up and exist as a white person, race is usually about somebody else. Each us is always a member of a race or races and we are often granted or denied opportunities because we belong to one of the favored groups. My whiteness has come--and will continue to afford--me advantages that are not shared by many people of color. For most of my life--and I grew up in a very diverse neighborhood--I did not see race; I saw racism as an individual act by one person or group against another person or group. I was blind to the invisible systems that ensure racial domina...