Jigsaw = CRT, SEL, Learning For those who have been in education for a significant period of time, we’re aware of educational fads. Some lack scientific merit or are at best badly misconstrued--multiple intelligences, zero tolerance, tracking and whole language. Unfortunately, employing some of these fads actually harms children, especially those who are most vulnerable. Conversely, there are other times that we’re too slow to act; I would include addressing racial disparities and meeting the needs of special education students as two examples. Sometimes it’s the tried and true approaches that, when used correctly, are what’s best for students. Examples include summarization (.79 effect size according to John Hattie ), phonics (.70), classroom discussion (.82) and the Jigsaw Method (1.20). Jigsaw is a multi-step process that was invented by Elliot Aronson and his graduate students at the University of Texas-Austin in 1971 not as an instructional strategy but as a ma...