10 Ways to Connect and Engage with Students
10 Ways to Connect and Engage with Students All of us miss classroom interaction with our students. The smiles, the laughter, and the engaging back-and-forth between students. The connections. In our current learning environment, the social-emotional connections will never match those when we're in person. Instead, we must find ways to connect academically and through our content. In talking with students, families, teachers and through my own observations, here are 10 ways to connect and engage with our students academically. Be Prepared . We're all nailing this one. Careful planning provides clarity and maximizes time on task and the accompanying daily agenda prepares and sets the stage for student learning. Being enthusiastic, passionate and professional. I've shared with many of you that I don't like having my camera on, but when I was participating in conference a couple of week's ago, I found myself much more comfortable when I was standing and talking. Wh...